23 March 2010

Potential Supreme Nominee Not 2A Friendly

Goodwin Liu, a Berkeley, Calif. law professor, is quietly being discussed as a potential U.S. Supreme Court nominee by President Barack Obama, should the opportunity arise.

Right now, Liu has been nominated to sit on the 9th Court of Appeals. He is controversial on the Second Amendment, particularly since he was highly critical of two recent Supreme Court decisions involving firearms, both finding federal gun control restrictions unconstitutional.

Read what law prof Eugene Volkoh has to say on the matter.

Frankly, I am not surprised that a jurist with Mr. Liu's credentials is being suggested. He fits a stereotype that the political hard left in Washington loves. That same group having long had an irrational fear -- nay, a hatred of firearms, no matter that they save lives.

And remember my brothers and sisters. Hatred . . . is a sickness.

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