11 April 2008

In Philadelphia, They Fight Crime By Openly Breaking The Law

Philadelphia City Council passed every one of its gun control bills over the objection of many of its residents, and in light of the fact that much of what they put into ordinance is breaking Pennsylvania law.

Jeff Soyer sums up the dissaray in the City of Brotherly Love with the following:

"I imagine that the lawyer for the first arrested under these new “laws” will
have a field day in court showing that the “laws” are unconstitutional or
illegal under Pennsylvania state law. Or maybe we’ll have the pleasure of seeing
Nutsy (Philadelphia Mayor Nutter) dragged off in handcuffs."
Plus, Philly.com has extensive coverage and also predicts a flood of legal challenges to the new law.

If things weren't already hot in Philadelphia, they are going to get even hotter. In a way, with what's going on there I can't help but be reminded of lyrics from a song showcased in the musical, "1776."

"You see, we piddle, twiddle, and resolve. Not one damn thing do we solve. . Piddle, twiddle, and resolveNothing's ever solved in Foul, fetid, fuming, foggy, filthy Philadephia!''

Yep, that about sums it up!

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