06 April 2008

Presidential Politics Update

Updated: Monday, April 7, 2008, 1:50 pm -- A guest-poster on syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin's blogsite has some thoughts on Barack Obama's new outreach to gun owners in rural Pennsylvania.

I haven't run any presidential updates for a while. The latest news will make your head spin:

1) ABC News reports that Condoleeza Rice is actively lobbying for the veep spot with republican John McCain.

2) Clinton senior strategist Mark Penn has been shown the door.

3) Obama opens up 23-point lead in North Carolina.

4) After figuratively shooting himself in the foot last week with remarks that he doesn't like CCW, Sen. Obama is now trying to align himself with pro-gun voters in Pennsylvania.

5) Anti-John McCain groups are having trouble raising money.

6) An avalanche of new voters, and voters changing parties, has hit Pennsylvania, which holds a key presidential primary election on April 22.

7) Dems are still wheeling and dealing regarding seating Florida and Michigan delegates at the party's national convention. No one is happy.

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