20 January 2008

NYC's Mayor Mike Continues To Test Waters

During last week's New York City state of the city address, anti-gun Mike Bloomberg discussed an aggressive program for dealing with crime (among several initiatives, he wants microstamping on all firearms ammunition), tax cuts, and more -- concepts that most analysts agree is more a test to see how the proposals play with a national audience. That is, of course, hogwash according to Team Bloomberg, which insists that he insists he is not a candidate for president. But . . .

On Saturday he traveled to delegate-rich California to deliver a blistering attack on special interests and gridlock in Washington D.C. (NOTE: In this author's opinion, gridlock is good -- nanny-state politicians cannot pass further restrictions on civil liberties). The one thing he did talk about with which I concur is doing more about crumbling infrastructure, though I disagree with life-altering tax hikes to do so.

And then there is his visit Friday in Austin, Texas with the architect and "ballot access expert" of the 1990s H. Ross Perot independent third-party presidential campaign. They just bumped into each other, I guess.

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