07 January 2008

Parents of VT Shooting Plea For Private Gun Show Sales To End

Though, the point they have difficulty explaining to people, despite their personal anguish, is how private firearms transactions played no part in the Virginia Tech shootings.

Frankly, relatives of the fallen young people need to be reminded that a concerted effort to allow law-abiding students, staff and faculty to carry their legal concealed firearms to prevent just this type of tragedy was arrogantly dismissed by campus officials.

Instead of looking to gun shows to address their pain (and who is pushing them to suggest this?), they should be cornering Virginia Tech leadership and demanding answers. Guns did not cause this massacre, a sick young man came onto the campus, and university officials' politically correct push to create a gun-free zone gave the shooter exactly what he wanted.

Who at Virginia Tech will ever answer for his or her arrogance?

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