18 January 2008

You Can Still Buy A Gun In Chicago?

Discontended Cookie points out that Cook County hasn't outlawed EVERY toy . . . yet.


Anonymous said...

In light of what just happened at NIU - my alma mater - I have decided to purchase a gun. Where can you get such a thing, and are you allowed to carry it at all times? When do you recive training on gun operation?

Brent Greer said...

As far as where to buy a sidearm, it depends on where you live. Gun stores are either few or many, depending on local regulations and demand. As far as when and where you can carry, it depends on where you live. Ilinois infringes on its citizens 2A rights, not permitting concealed carry anywhere in the state. And as far as training, find an NRA Certified Instructor in your area. The National Rifle Association is the world's oldest provider of firearms safety and marksmanship training. Start at www.nra.org.