08 November 2007

Dr. Suzanna Gratia Hupp

Know who Suzanna Gratia Hupp is? You should.


Anonymous said...

This Lady has GUTS. For her to relive the worst experiance of her life in front of the selfserving in Washington takes personal strength you have to admire. The problem is the people she spoke to could care less. I'd be suprised if you could find anyone of the political elete who votes and supports the people of this great country. People like this brave lady are what makes this country great, not the fools we have voted into power. ( not voted into office)
Jim D
Rome, NY

Swirlspell said...

I believe that Americans should have the right to have guns if they are mentally capable. But the recent mass shootings that have been occuring one a week thoughout the country for the past two months has me rethinking my stance on gun control.

I also have a question concerning Suzanna Gratia-Hupp and the massacre at the Luby's. She said she was unable to get her gun because it was in her vehicle. But when she escaped, why didn't she get it and shoot him once she was able to?

Anonymous said...

Regarding the question of why she didn't shoot the gunner: it is likely that once she escaped, the police would not allow her back into the destroyed cafeteria.

Regarding gun control: there are far too many laws already on the books at the federal level. If the legislators would allow the existing laws to be enforced, and not allow leniency to violators, we would have much less need for these debates. However, it is not the intent of legislators to truly address the issues of criminality. Rather, it is their intent to deprive us of our rights, thereby rendering us unable to protect ourselves from those in power.

Anonymous said...

As a Staff Sergeant in the Army I can tell you there are many people who should not be in control of weapons...but those are the ones who always seem to have them when you don't have yours just simply due to murphy's law.

The police usually do not show up to a gun fight until after the shooting is typically finished for any number of reasons (self preservation, fear, you name it) but the people who are in a life and death situation can't just click their heels and wish themselves to a less dangerous situation.

It doesn't take a hero or a brave person to defend themself, it takes a person who has a desire to continue living. I hope I never get put in a circumstance such as she was because after I shoot the person murdering innocent people and disarm him nobody would ever eat fries from that place after hearing what happened there!

If I lived in the same world that these law makers lived where the sky was purple and the streets were lined with marshmallows I might have the same views as them, but as I have spent the last year of my life away from my family in a beautiful vacation spot the Army likes to call "Iraq" I can tell you that there really is such a thing as the "boogie man" and he/she doesn't hide in your closet he/she walks around looking like the general populace until they decide it is time to come out and kill people when they least expect it...notice how the mad man drove into a cafeteria as opposed to a police station prior to shooting people, even crazy people have some sense of self preservation where as our law makers don't ever have to worry about that because they send people like me to do their fighting for them.

When I eventually get shot or blown up it won't so much as leave a scratch on them or cause them any amount of grief, but know that I came over here because I believe without a doubt that our way of life in the USA is worth the price I am willing to pay so that when my son and daughter grow up they can attend Church, speak their mind, vote for who they want elected in to office, and have a life full of wonderful opportunities paid for by the lives of all military service members from the first militia men until the last breath of the last service member left to defend their rights.

Brent Greer said...

Staff Sergeant, I could not agree more. I hope you do not get blown up or shot for doing what you do to defend this nation. I have three nephews in the Army. I have great respect for what you do. Thank you for your unique perspective, and for taking time to comment. Thank you for your service. Not everyone in America has their tail between their legs. Please know that.

Joseph Horvath Jr said...

I just completed viewing Dr. Hupp's past testimony to Congress, and I must say that this was the most articulate and poignant presentation on the subject of the Second Amendment. Her last comment regarding the purpose of owning an assult rifle brought it home to me personally. I was twelve years old when the Hungarian Revolt broke out in October of 1956. By this time the communist regime had collected all privately owned firearms, with the exception of those owned by party members. When the cualdron finally boiled over, and the populace could no longer tolerate the abuse by the governing elite, they only had at their disposal rocks, and at best, Molotov coctails. The moral of this story is; as long as you have your privately owned firearms you have the ability to say "NO and HELL NO!" individually or collectively. Hang on to your weapons for dear life!!

Joe Horvath
Melbourne, FL