08 October 2008

'Huff-Po' Says Left Has Never Pushed to Prohibit Sporting, Hunting Firearms

Hmmm . . . so the "black rifle" that is the most popular firearm at weekend Civilian Marksmanship Program competitions around the nation has never been under fire? This widely used competition rifle has never been attacked? Has never been marked for a ban? And what about my semi-auto deer shotgun? I can point out numerous pieces of legislation in Congress where bills have been introduced, by the Left, to ban this essential hunting tool.
Here is what one writer, woefully out of touch and careless with fact, had to say:
"In fact, Democrats have never challenged the right to own hunting or sports guns. Yet, in classic bait-and-switch fashion, leaders of the National Rifle Association incite the masses by raising the specter of Democratic "gun grabbers" confiscating citizens' "hunting" and "sports" guns - even as NRA leaders promote "sporting" events with automatic weapons and .50-caliber
military sniper rifles (deadly at a mile, with a range of over four miles)."
But the good people at the Huffington Post are not ones to let the facts stand in the way of what they think is a good story. BTW, CMP matches are not fired with "automatic weapons."

Check out Ms. Michele Swenson's rambling, mistake-riddled piece by clicking here. Sit down and have a phone ready to dial 9-1-1. Your brain may explode.

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