19 September 2008

Elitist Metro Paper Looks Down Its Nose At 'Nation's Gun Show'

Some great people whom I have had the good fortune to meet in recent months, Annette and Steve Elliot, operate ShowMasters and C&E Gun Shows. Recently, they have entered the Ohio market and put on two fantastic shows in Columbus and Wilmington.

They also operate a huge show several times a year just outside Washington D.C. Known as "The Nation's Gun Show," the Chantilly, Va. exhibition draws people from several states in the Chesapeake region. It is a very large, family oriented event, as are the vast majority of gun shows that take place each weekend in some venue across the United States.

But woe be the urban District of Columbia reporter, already filled with numerous biases (I thought reporters were supposed to be open minded and just report what they find without a lot of inuendo?), who stops by their first gun show.

Read it here. Sit down first. Your brain may explode.


BobG said...

"I thought reporters were supposed to be open minded and just report what they find without a lot of innuendo?"

On what planet?

Brent Greer said...

Yeah, I know..."Planet Perfect World."


As I have said before...stuff like this makes me embarrassed to be a recovering journalist. Or to be glad I'm out of the business! Thanks for writing.