01 March 2008

Opposing Viewpoint: Guns The Cause of Gun Violence

I have read this argument time and again. Here is another. Well written, but IMHO, off the mark.

"Of course we are being told that more guns will make us safer – that reminds me
of the cold war when both sides had more nukes than was required to turn the
world into a radioactive nightmare and needed just a few more."

Actually, what the United States started developing -- the old SDI (Star Wars technology) -- eventually forced an end to the Cold War and the dismantling of the old Soviet Union.

"And, the gun stories continue – one law abiding NRA member, whom I will call
Ray, in Winstead MN, issued two death threats against me for my stance on gun
control. Ray may be 15 degrees down bubble, but most disturbing is the attitude
of law abiding citizens such as Ray. Thank god, he is on psychotropic

This "Ray" is highly atypical of NRA members. He would be no friend of mine. And while I believe you are a man of the cloth, I have doubts about the "Ray" story. Making threats to kill someone is not law-abiding, nor is trespassing when asked to leave a commercial building.

Read for yourself what "Rabbi" has to say on the "progressive" OpEdNews website.

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