02 March 2008

Washington Post Editors: What Goes With Their Whine?

The wine and cheese elitists at the Washington Post are blasting college students, or what they refer to as "the shot-and-a-beer crowd."

Specifically, the Post is lambasting Virginia lawmakers for helping college students defend themselves. But this is how the editors describe the legislation:

"The General Assembly, long in thrall to the gun lobby, has forged ahead with bills to make it easier to carry concealed weapons in cars, bars and restaurants. Never mind that police and relatives of the Virginia Tech victims oppose such legislation. In its wisdom, the legislature has decided that citizens will benefit from a proliferation of hidden weapons -- here, there and everywhere. Another bill would scrap the state's ban on carrying concealed weapons in bars and in restaurants that serve liquor."

I don't live in Virginia, and have somewhat mixed feelings about the second bill. But lawmakers there know what the people of their state want. The paper says lawmakers there want to have guns everywhere. Lawmakers are responding to the needs of the many in providing legislation urged on by parents who want their kids to be safe on campus. They are not kowtowing to a few, who, granted suffered a horrible tragedy. A tragedy made possible by officials at Virginia Tech. Gun-free zones do not create safety on college campuses anywhere in this nation. They create victim-rich zones of opportunity for criminals.

The editors at the Post don't like personal responsibility and self defense. It's a broken record. We get it. VCDL and the National Rifle Association have done a fantastic job in Virginia getting these bills pushed through. The question is, will Gov. Timothy M. Kaine follow through on his threat to veto pretty much all the highly progressive self-defense bills coming through the state legislature?

Stay tuned.

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