10 March 2008

Fear Mongering Over Competition Rifles Masks Facts, Larger Agenda

"Just be aware of the law of unintended consequences in making your demands. What appears to be reasonable on the surface to the uneducated is in fact tyranny driven out of fear. The fear that these bullets might be used to do harm. Yet, rifles of all types including ones that fire the rounds shown above account for less than 3 percent of all firearm crime nationwide. Maybe they aren't the problem. You are."

The words of the Armed Canadian, in a lesson for the uninitiated. Call it "Let's Spot The High-Power Round," or "I Know You Only Want To Confiscate My Black Rifle, Not My Hunting Rifle."

Either way, he gives an excellent lesson to those who don't understand what is happening regarding fear being promulgated against competition rifles, and why such fears are strategically promoted in order to pass highly questionable legislation.

h/t to Sharp As A Marble

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