10 March 2008

Follow Up On OWAA

Updated: Tuesday, March 11, 2008, 9:24 am -- In a comment regarding the OWAA story, here is a useful reminder, courtesy of Sebastian at Snowflakes In Hell: "Hikers and other outdoor enthusiasts need to understand who pays for most of the wildlife management and upkeep of public lands, and it’s not them. Both hunters and shooters pay for wildlife management through the federal “Pittman Robertson” excise taxes on guns and ammunition. Next time you hear a hiker bitch about Sunday hunting, remind them who pays for the trails they like to hike on."

Well said.

The Outdoor Writers Association of America cancelled a panel discussion at its annual meeting that included the heads of the Brady Campaign and Humane Society of the United States.

That is, it was cancelled once word leaked who was speaking.

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