13 March 2008

Two Views About Guns In PA: There's Philadelphia, Then There's The Rest Of The State (Er, World)

There's the view from Philadelphia, then there's the view from the rest of Pennsylvania.

Geez that sounds a lot like Cook County and Illinois, doesn't it?

From Philadelphia: "Philly Loses In Commonwealth Court."

The city will take its argument against pre-emption to the state Supreme Court.

From greater Pennsylvania: "Time to recall old attitudes about guns."

Guns, it seems, have become synonymous with evil incarnate, and as gun-control advocates continue to hyperventilate about that evil, they continue to open the door wider for real evil, the denial of reality that invariably leads to tragedy.

Not to be outdone, Pittsburgh belatedly decides to weigh in: "Pittsburgh council pushes handgun measure."

Pittsburgh City Council on Tuesday unanimously approved a resolution encouraging state legislators to pass a law making it mandatory to report lost or stolen handguns.

It means that you will be thrown in jail if you don't report a stolen handgun.

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