07 February 2008

Rebates, Refunds, Whatever You Want To Call Them

The U.S. Senate today passed its version of the economic stimulus bill. Checks may be coming. Some day. It won't make a difference, but Congress can once again say it "did something."


Anonymous said...

I was reading about this bill on CNN and it mentioned the fact that illegal aliens would receive these checks as well.. What the hell? As a tax-paying citizen of this country I consider that an insult and a disgrace to suggest that someone that is in this country ILLEGALLY can be given a pat on the back and a cut of mine and every other taxpayers hard earned money.. what a crock.

Brent Greer said...

Yep! You read correctly! Congress is one big dysfunctional family.

Anonymous said...

Why should any congressman get this rebate of our taxes check??

They are overpayed as it is.