05 July 2008

The Writing On The Wall

Well, he's not ready to throw in the towel yet, but Chicago Mayor Daley must have been listening to his meditation tapes or something. He's calmed down a bit and now (believe it or not) is saying he plans to "rework" Chicago's draconian gun laws.

But he won't be scrapping them.

"You have to delve into it. You have to read it and then find out how you can adapt the changes that we’re looking at locally in regards to this issue, in regards to guns in America. Local mayors have to deal with it, not the federal government."
He also says he wants gun registration to remain a part of the city's gun control policy, in order to protect police and first responders.

I would like him to bring forward some evidence is to why one has anything to do with the other.

Is this a case of Mr. Daley seeing the writing on the wall? A pre-emptive first strike to soften the discrimination that his gun laws perpetuate against law abiding mothers and fathers? Not likely, but as an expert politician, he knows how to talk from both sides of his mouth.

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