05 April 2008

More On Obama's CCW Misfire

Updated: Monday, April 7, 2008, 6:26 am -- I just saw this comment posted on keepandbeararms.com. "Gun Control: Barack Obama says he won't take folks' guns away as long as they're hunters. But when the hunted are his constituents, well, that's different." A chill just ran up my spine.

The latest is Investor's Business Daily, which notes that Sen. Barack Obama stepped in it in his defense of hunters, but contempt for law abiding citizens who want to carry a gun for their personal safety.

"According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, 65.7% of the U.S. population lives in the 39 right-to-carry states, and there's no indication such laws have turned our neighborhoods into the O.K. Corral. To the contrary, all the stats we've seen show a steep decline in murders and violent crimes after a state adopts a right-to-carry law. Virginia is one of those states, but the only one who had the right to carry last April 16 was Seung-Hui Cho. He shot 32 people to death on a Virginia Tech campus that had declared itself gun-free.

"One wonders if Cho would have even walked on campus with a gun if he knew his victims would be able to defend themselves. Or how the story would have been different had professor Liviu Librescu, a Holocaust survivor who lost his life barricading a classroom door so his students could escape, had been able to fire back."

Read the full opinion piece here.

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