05 April 2008

Physicians Need To Tend The Sick, Not Attack The Constitution

The New England Journal of Medicine asks about the health concerns of "reopening the District of Columbia to handguns" if the Supreme Court rules that DC's 30-plus-year ban on handguns is overturned as unconstitutional.

Read the abstract here, then link to the full report above.

Now, some commentary. Um . . . attention doctors! I am going to write this like a telegram of old, so it is easier to understand. Apparently you continue to miss logic flowing through a traditional sentence. Ready?

DC is awash in handguns. STOP. They are overwhelmingly in the hands of brutal thugs. STOP. That is why you have such violence in Washington DC. STOP. Honest, peaceful people simply want a fighting chance to defend themselves. STOP. They want their Constitutional rights restored. STOP.

To to the well-meaning but misguided docs who wrote this piece for the New England Journal, I have but one word. STOP.

h/t to Alphecca.

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