15 April 2008

Larry Pratt Writes 'Of Schools and Bodies'

Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, asks an important question:

"If we are genuinely concerned about defending life and protecting students, which policy has the track record worth emulating? On the one hand we have those advocating gun free zones who have only rivers of blood and piles of bodies to show for their policy. On the other hand, we have those advocating armed self defense who are batting a thousand.

"We are told that having students or faculty (with concealed handgun permits) carrying guns scares many students and teachers. Maybe so. What is
worse ... being scared or being dead?"

Read his full essay, "Of Schools and Bodies."

1 comment:

Katrinka Yobotz said...

Larry Pratt speaking now at Constitution Party national convention. Watch it live stream at www.alankeyes.com